Nubia Z60 Ultra is coming on December 18, 2023, it will be unveiled on Tuesday and its first image will be seen. The phone will come in two beautiful colors Black, Cream, and Starry Night. And with its IP68 rating, it is equipped with the best camera system.
We still don’t have any official information about the charging or battery, but the device with model number NX721J appears to be similar to the Z50 Ultra with 80W wired charging.
The ZTE brand is getting very popular with its Z60 Ultra showing off its IP68 capabilities. The ZTE brand says you can even take photos with it underwater without fear of it getting damaged by water.
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The internal protection is made so strong that the phone can be submerged at a depth of 1.5m for 30 minutes without any fear.
Its main camera sensor is 50MP with a 35mm lens, and another 50MP sensor is AI with an 18mm ultra-wide lens.
The front-facing camera of this smartphone will sit below the screen, with the top one having only 2.8um pixels. And the Nubia technology is called UDC Ultra.
Its design is inspired by the famous Vincent Van Gogh painting, and this 3D multilayer finish was previously seen on the Z50 Ultra.
Customers who opt for it will also receive a themed protective case and some postcards with some other artwork from the Dutch post-impressionist painter.
The fact is that Nubia has spent so much on this phone to make a name for itself in the flagship market. But, the most important question is whether the phone will be launched globally or Nubia will launch the Z60 Ultra ZTE only for its home country China.